July 28, 2006

Why the delay?

Many of you know the ordeal our pup Osito has been through this past month. He had a bump on his nose, directly next to his right nostril, that the vet wanted to remove. After removing it and doing a biopsy, turns out it was a mast cell tumor, some kind of cancer dogs get but not people. So, we went to three dog oncologists and in the end decided to have more surgery (the other option was radiation). The good news is, after the second surgery, all the cancer is gone. So Osito is going to be fine. And he's recovering well from the surgery, but lost half his right nostril and a good chunk of skin off his nose. So that's a bummer. His stitches come out on Aug. 3, and then we'll leave on Aug. 6 or 7.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for changing the settings. This is going to be neat throughout the school year. I can't wait to see pictures of your school and your home and you and the puppies on the beach. I agree with Martha, Osito won't be dissed now by the neighborhood dogs.

Natalie and Brady --- said...

Yes, Osito will be like the Al Capone of San Carlos. Ruff-ruff.

Anonymous said...

I think Osito looks a little like Lee Van Cleef; and Martha is right. I am glad that he is well.