April 13, 2011


This video captures just a sliver of the mega-kissies Eliot sometimes gives me, mimicking the all-over mega-kissies I sometimes give him. But he's doing it a little in the video. You can get the idea.

Meanwhile, both boys are doing well. Silas is smiling tons, has rolled over a few times (he is trying to do it, but when he does it it's sort of by accident... I mean, he gets enough momentum and rolls over, but his hands are still trapped under him and he's a little surprised by where he ended up and wants to be turned back over on his back), and is very flirty with us with his smiles and coos and 'talking.' He makes quite a bit of baby noise, goo-goo ga-ga noises. He loves to be in the middle of the action. Loves to watch Eliot. Eliot loves to pick him up (with help) and hold him (with help) and give him kisses. Eliot wants him to walk and play with him "right now." And Silas has recently vetoed the idea of him being on the floor or baby chair on the floor while we eat dinner, so he's either in one of our arms, or on top of the table in his baby bouncy chair. He likes that better (although he's often asleep while we eat dinner anyway).

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